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WWI: Return of the WWI Unknown Soldier:  November 9, 1921

Return of the WWI Unknown Soldier: November 9, 1921

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Return of the WWI Unknown Soldier:  November 9, 1921

On November 9, 1921, the Unknown Soldier of World War I was returned to the United States when USS Olympia (C-6) arrived at the Washington Navy Yard, Washington D.C.   The famed cruiser departed Le Harve, France, in a grand ceremony, and encountered rough seas during the journey.    Brought to the U.S. Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C., the Unknown Soldier lie in state for two days before interment at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia.  

Image:   LC-DIG-NPCC-05394:   Arrival of the Unknown Solder of WWI at Washington D.C., November 1921.  Courtesy of the Library of Congress.