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<p>NMUSN: WWI: Naval Railway Guns:&nbsp; Battle</p>

U.S. Naval Railway Guns: Battle and Service

U.S. Naval Railway Guns:  Battle and Service

In the first use of major caliber naval guns in a land offensive, Naval Railway Unit 2, commanded by Lieutenant Junior Grade Edmund D. Duckett, fired a shot from Rethomas on September 6, 1918 at Tergnier, an important railway center.   Of note, the battery occupied the same position later used by Marshal Foch and his staff when the Armistice was signed on November 11.   Some examples of the railway guns in use:  the destruction of ammunition dumps at Besny-et-Loisy; the battle front at Verdun; the cutting of communication lines from Metz to Sedan and at the railway yards at Longuyon, Montmedy, and Conflans.  On November 11, 1918, Battery Unit Four fired its last shot at 10:57:30 a.m., a few minutes before the Armistice started at 11:00.  

Image:   NH 49957:  14" Naval Railway Gun, firing in France, 1918.   U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command.