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LC-Lot-805-2: Operation Husky, July-August 1943

LC-Lot-805-2: Operation Husky, July-August 1943.  Up Close View of Invasion.  Eyes to his glasses U.S. Seventh Army Commander, Lieutenant General Omar Bradley, USA, watches motion ashore from the deck of one of the Allied ships employed in the giant invasion of Sicily.  Photograph released July 30, 1943.  Photographed through Mylar sleeve. U.S. Navy Photograph. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.  (2015/10/30).
Caption: Operation Husky, July-August 1943. Up Close View of Invasion. Eyes to his glasses U.S. Seventh Army Commander, Lieutenant General Omar Bradley, USA, watches motion ashore from the deck of one of the Allied ships employed in the giant invasion of Sicily. Photograph released July 30, 1943. Photographed through Mylar sleeve. U.S. Navy Photograph. Courtesy of the Library of Congress. (2015/10/30).
Accession #: LC-Lot-805-2
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  • Theater of Operations--European
  • People-Places-Things--Italian
Document Type
  • Photograph
Wars & Conflicts
  • World War II 1939-1945
File Formats
  • Image (gif, jpg, tiff)
Location of Archival Materials