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80-G-239304: Invasion of Guam, July 21-August 10, 1944

80-G-239304:    Invasion of Guam, July 21-August 10, 1944.    The Stars and Stripes are raised over the Marine Barracks on Orote Peninsula, Guam, after more than two and a half years.  Colonel Merlin F. Schneider, CO of the Marine Unit, that recaptured the area, salutes while his men present arms, released  August 5, 1944.    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.  (2017/03/07).
Caption: Invasion of Guam, July 21-August 10, 1944. The Stars and Stripes are raised over the Marine Barracks on Orote Peninsula, Guam, after more than two and a half years. Colonel Merlin F. Schneider, CO of the Marine Unit, that recaptured the area, salutes while his men present arms, released August 5, 1944. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. (2017/03/07).
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  • Theater of Operations--Pacific
Document Type
  • Photograph
Wars & Conflicts
  • World War II 1939-1945
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