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K-50280 Seabee at Work in Vietnam

U.S. Naval Seabee Team 4001 Builder First Class C. Shreffler of Pennsylvania, and Vietnamese workers lay tile walls for the carpenter shop, Binh-Duong Province, Republic of Vietnam
Title: Seabee at Work in Vietnam
Description: U.S. Naval Seabee Team 4001 Builder First Class C. Shreffler of Pennsylvania, and Vietnamese workers lay tile walls for the carpenter shop, Binh-Duong Province, Republic of Vietnam
Accession #: 80-G-K
Catalog #: K-50280
Tags: NHHC_Tags:people/communities/seabeeNHHC_Tags:conflicts-and-wars/vietnam-war
Copyright Owner: National Archives
Original Date: Sun, May 19, 1968
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Document Type
  • Photograph
Wars & Conflicts
  • Vietnam Conflict 1962-1975
File Formats
  • Image (gif, jpg, tiff)
Location of Archival Materials