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Awards of Fellowships, Grants, Scholarships & Prizes for Articles

1988 to present

Rear Admiral John D. Hayes Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in U.S. Naval History

1988-1989: Eleanor Sparagana, Brandeis University; U.S. psychological warfare in the Pacific in World War II.

1989-1990: Robert J. Schneller Jr., Duke University; Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren and naval ordnance.

1990-1991: Jeffrey M. McKeage, University of Illinois; Privateering during the American Revolution.

1991-1992: No award given.

1992-1993: Pedro Loureiro, University of Southern California; U.S. Navy intelligence in China, 1931-1941.

1993-1994: Hamlin A. Caldwell Jr., University of Virginia; Introduction of Jet Aircraft to the Navy, 1944-1958.

1994-1995: William E. Scaring, Boston College; Admiral Cecil Coggins and Military Intelligence in World War II.

1995-1996: David F. Winkler, American University; U.S.-Soviet incidents at sea in the Cold War.

1996-1997: Michael D. Carter, West Virginia University; Washington's Secretary of War: The Career of Henry Knox.

1997-1998: Jeffrey J. Seiken, Ohio State University; American naval policy, planning, and administration during the War of 1812.

1998-1999: Robert E. Mullins, Kings College, University of London; how organizational cultures of the U.S. Navy and the Royal Navy influenced decisions in 1889 to create large, modern, steel navies.

1999-2000: C. Douglas Kroll, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California; the life and career of Commodore Ellsworth Price Berthoff, the first Commandant of the Coast Guard.

2000-2001: Brenden Foley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts; "Teachers, Manufacturers, and Professionals: The U.S. Navy and the Construction of an Engineering Profession, 1895-1915."

2001-2002: Timothy S. Wolters, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts; "The Development of U.S. Navy Combat Information Centers in World War II."

2002-2003: Howard Fuller, Kings College, University of London; "Clad in Iron: Assessing the Comparative Strategic and Tactical Strengths of British and Union Ironclad Programs of the Civil War Era.

2004-2005: Brian Casserly, University of Washington; civil-military relations in Puget Sound, 1890-1990.

2005-2006:  Commander Henry J. Hendrix II, USN, King's College London, Theodore Roosevelt's use of the Navy as an instrument of coercive diplomacy.

2006-2007: Peter A. Shulman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, impact of coaling stations on Navy's 19th strategy and expansion.

2007-2008: Mark R. Hagerott, University of Maryland; "The Influence of Large Technological Systems on the Education and Professional Development of the U.S. Navy Officer Corps, 1955-1975."

2008-2009: Katherine Epstein, Ohio State University; British and American Torpedo Development, 1866-1914.

2009-2010: Ryan D. Wadle, Texas A & M University; shaping of a new public image of the United States Navy between the two world wars.

2010-2011: Jason Smith, Temple University; U.S. naval hydrography in the eighteenth century.

2011-2012: Joel Christenson, West Virginia University; U.S. naval engagement in South America, 1920-1945.

2012-2013: Ryan A. Peeks, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; contrasting reception of the battlecruiser as a warship type in the World War I era.

2013-2014: Alan M. Anderson, Kings College, London; the impact of laws of war on naval strategy in Great Britain and the United States, 1899-1909.

2014-2015: Arthur S. Mobley, University of Wisconsin, Madison; maritime strategy and cultural metamorphosis in the U.S. Navy, 1870-1915.

2015-2016: Nicholas C. Prime, King's College, London; "The U.S. Naval War College and the Evolution of American Naval Strategy 1945-1975."

2016-2017: Alicia C. Maggard, Brown University; development of the U.S. steam navy.

2017-2018: Thomas M. Jamison, Harvard University; naval war in the peripheral world and the global origins of military modernity.

2018-2019: Roger Bailey, University of Maryland College Park, the U.S. Navy officers corps and their understanding of slavery and freedom and its effect on naval missions in the Antebellum period.

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Vice Admiral Edwin B. Hooper Research Grant in U.S. Naval History

1988-1989: Dr. Spencer C. Tucker, Texas Christian University, Thomas Jefferson's gunboat program; Dr. Richard Elliott Winslow III; Portsmouth, NH, Navy Yard during the Civil War; Dr. William N. Still Jr., East Carolina University, U.S. Navy in European waters in World War I.

1989-1990: Captain Lawrence Henry Douglas, USNR, submarine operations; Christopher McKee, Grinnel College; Naval enlisted men in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

1990-1991: Dr. Dennis Noble; The China diaries of Captain Glenn F. Howell, USN; Dr. Geoffrey L. Rossano; U.S. naval aviation in European waters, 1917-1919.

1991-1992: William M. P. Dunne; Biographical study of Stephen Decatur; Elmer Gaden Jr., University of Virginia, Gun and armor design in the mid-19th century Navy; David MacGregor; Innovation in modern naval warfare in the U.S. and U.K.; Ivan Musicant; Wake Island relief expedition of World War II; Phillips O'Brien, Cambridge University; U.S. and British naval power in the early 20th century; Milan Vego, Defense Intelligence College, U.S. naval policy in the Adriatic, 1918-1921.

1992-1993: Leedell W. Neyland, Florida A&M University; The messman and stewards branch in the U.S. Navy; Dr Jon Sumida, University of Maryland, Development of computerized surface fire control after World War I.

1993-1994: Thomas B. Buell; Memoirs of Robert B. Russell, USNR; Frederick C. Leiner; American prisoners during the Tripolitan War; Gene A. Smith, Eastern Montana College, Biography of Thomas ap Catesby Jones.

1994-1995: Dr. Theodore J. Crackel, East Stroudsburg University, 1784-1880 War Department missing records; Commander John D. Alden, USN (Ret.), Biography of Rear Admiral Edward Ellsberg USN.

1995-1996: Dr. Cori E. Dauber, University of North Carolina; The influence of Mahan on naval doctrine and professional education;Dr. Kurt H. Hackemer, The U.S. Navy and shipbuilding contractors after the Civil War.

1996-1997: Virginia Wood S., Library of Congress, The Georgia State Navy during the American Revolution; Dr. Thomas A. Hughes, Bowling Green (OH) State University, Admiral William F. Halsey and World War II strategy.

1997-1998: Dr. Robert S. Jordan, University of New Orleans, The U.S. Navy and NATO during the early Cold War; Dr. William M. Leary, University of Georgia, Navy post World War II development of submarines for operating under Arctic ice; Dr. John C. Fredericksen, U.S. Navy records relating to the War of 1812.

1998-1999: Dr. Roger Dingman, University of Southern California, Analysis of the U.S. Navy's presence in Japan from 1945 to the present; Dr. David C. Skaggs, Professor Emeritus of Bowling Green University, to complete his book, Freshwater Commodores: Thomas Macdonough, Oliver Hazard Perry and the Fighting Tradition in the U.S. Navy.

1999-2000: Thomas Buell, independent scholar, the involvement in the Korean War of Admirals Forrest Sherman, Arthur W. Radford, Arleigh Burke, C. Turner Joy, and James H. Doyle; Dr. Chalmers Hood, independent scholar, to continue his study of Vichy French Admiral Francois Darlan and his dealings U.S. diplomatic and military officials during World War II.

2000-2001: Dr. Blake Dunnavent, Lubbock Christian University, for book on joint Navy-Army inshore and riverine warfare during the Philippine Insurrection of 1899-1902; Thomas B. Buell, lecturer, book "The Sea Warrior Trilogy," in which he plans to explore the shipboard conditions, naval culture, tactics, and other factors that influenced how naval officers and men reacted in battle.

2001-2002: Dr. Peter John Brobst, faculty of Ohio University, for book "A New Order of Sea Power: Britain, the United States, and the Indian Ocean, 1956-1976" in which he will examine how in the mid-twentieth century, the United Kingdom and the United States worked together to ensure.

2002-2003: Dr. Angus E. Goldberg, faculty of the Scottish Institute of Maritime States, University of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland for book, "The Political World of the United States Navy Officer Corps, 1828-1858," in which he will examine whether officer were tied by birth or marriage to politicians at the state and national level and whether the officer corps was highly politicized as a result; Thomas P. Lowery, author, will create a database of the U.S. Navy courts martial to include names, ranks, ships or shore station to which assigned, and the specifics of the individual courts-martial.

2004-2005: Christopher McKee, Grinnell College, Life in a Home for Elderly Naval Sailors, 1831-1895; Dr. Raymond W. Westphal Jr., Texas State University, U.S. House Committee on Naval Affairs, 1816-1946.

2005-2006: Dr. Gene A. Smith, Texas Christian University, African American sailors in the War of 1812; Dr. Lorraine McConaghy, Museum of History and Industry, Seattle, Sloop-of-War USS Decatur and the Pacific Squadron, 1854-1858.

2006-2007: Dr. Stephen R. Taaffe, Stephen F. Austin State College, Union Navy squadron commanders during the Civil War; Dr. John W. Coe, Crommelin Papers at the National Museum of Naval Aviation.

2007-2008: Dr. George J. Billy, United States Merchant Marine Academy; World War II war patrols of USS Swordfish.

2008-2009: Dr. Dennis L. Noble, the U.S. Navy's role in the interdiction of human trafficking; Dr. Michael Sturm, Murdoch University, Australia; unrestricted naval warfare in the Pacific during World War II.

2009-2010: Dr. Jonathan Winkler, Wright State University, Research on U.S. national security policy through the twentieth century from the perspective of changes in communications and information technology.

2010-2011: Dr. Larry Berman, University of California, Davis; biography of Adm. Elmo Zumwalt, USN.

2011-2012: Dr. Phillips O'Brien, University of Glasgow, Scotland; the role of the air and sea war in Allied victory in WWII.

2012-2013: Dr. Douglas Ford, University of Salford, England; comparison of the United States Navy's and the Royal Navy's strategic culture and the conduct of the Pacific War, 1941-1945.

2013-2014: William F. Althoff, Whitehouse Station, N.J.; lighter-than-air aircraft in the U.S. Navy during the early Cold War.

2014-2015. John T. Kuehn, Ph.D., U.S. Army Command and General Staff College; the rise and fall of the General Board of the Navy, 1900—1950.

2015-2016: Stephen B. Adams, Ph.D., Professor of Management, Salisbury University; research to complete a book-length study tentatively entitled "Before the Garage: The Beginnings of Silicon Valley, 1909-1960."

2016-2017: No award given. 

2017-2018: Howard J. Fuller, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of War Studies, University of Wolverhampton; for research on a book on Britain’s maritime world order and the struggle to contain Russia and America in the age of steam.

2018-2019: Dr. P. James Paligutan, San Diego Mesa College/Palomar College, role and culture of resistance of Filipino nationals recruited by the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard, 1946-1970.

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Rear Admiral Ernest M. Eller Prize for Articles

1991: Award: Anthony S. Nicolosi, Naval War College, "The Founding of the Newport Naval Training Station, 1878-1883, An Exercise in Naval Politics," The American Neptune.

1992: Award: Dr. Steven J. Dick, U.S. Naval Observatory, "Centralizing Navigational Technology in America: The U.S. Navy's Depot of Charts and Instruments, 1830-1842," Technology and Culture 33, no.3 (Jul. 1992): 467-509.

Honorable Mention: William M. McBride, James Madison University; "Strategic Determinism in Technology Selection: The Electric Battleship and U.S. Naval-Industrial Relations," Technology and Culture 33, no.2 (Apr. 1992): 248-77.

1993: Award: Professor Frederick S. Harrod; "New Technology for the Old Navy: The U.S. Navy During the 1870's," American Neptune 53, no.1 (Winter 1993): 5-19 .

Honorable Mention: Thomas Wildenburg, "Chester Nimitz and the Development of Fueling at Sea," Naval War Collge Review 46, no.4 (Autumn 1993): 52-62.

1994: Award: Dr. Thomas C. Hone, Marshall Center for Security Studies; "Naval Reconstitution, Surge, and Mobilization: Once and Future," Naval War College Review 47, no.3 (Summer 1994): 67-85.

Honorable Mention: Dr. David Syrett, Queens College; "Communications Intelligence and the Sinking of the U-1062: 30 September 1944," Journal of Military History 58, no.4 (Oct. 1994): 685-98.

1995: Award: Tom B. Allen and Norman Polmar, "Invasion Most Costly." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 121, no.8 (Aug. 1995): 51-56.

Honorable Mention: Major Jon T. Hoffman, USMCR, "Truth Without Fear," U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 121, no.5 (May 1995): 57-63.

1996: Award: Lieutenant Colonel William J. Williams, USAF, Office of Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, "Josephus Daniels and the U.S. Navy's Shipbuilding Program During World War I," Journal of Military History 60, no.1 (Jan. 1996): 7-38.

Honorable Mention: Jeffrey T. Richelson, "Task Force 157: The U.S. Navy's Secret Intelligence Service, 1966-1977," Intelligence and National Security 11, no.1 (Jan. 1996): 106-45.

1997: Award: Dr. Roger Sarty, "The Limits of Ultra: The Schnorkel U-boat Offensive Against North America, November 1944-January 1945," Intelligence and National Security 12, no.2, (Apr 1997): 44-68.

Honorable Mention: Christopher M. Bell, "Thinking the Unthinkable: British and American Naval Strategies for an Anglo-American War, 1918-1931," The International History Review 19, no.4, (Nov 1997): 789-808.

1998: Award: Dr. David G. Surdam, "The Union Navy's Blockade Reconsidered," Naval War College Review 51, no. 4 (Autumn, 1998): 85-107.

1999: Award: Captain Joseph F. Bouchard, USN, "Guarding the Cold War Ramparts: The U.S. Navy's Role in Continental Air Defense," Naval War College Review 52, no.3 (Summer, 1999): 111-135.

2000: Award: Dr. Spencer Tucker, "Lieutenant Andrew H. Foote and the African Slave Trade," American Neptune 60, no.1 (2000): 31-48.

Honorable Mention: Dr. Donald Chisholm, "Negotiated Joint Command Relationships: Korean War Amphibious Operations, 1950,"Naval War College Review 53, no.2 (Spring 2000): 65-124.

2001: Award: Commander Richard Mobley, USN (Ret.), "Pueblo: A Retrospective," Naval War College Review 54, no. 2 (Spring 2001): 98-117.

Honorable Mention: Michael J. Bennett, "'Frictions:' Shipboard Relations between White and Contraband Sailors." Civil War History47, no. 2 (Jun. 2001): 118-145.

2004-2005: Dr. Christopher Madsen, Canadian Forces College, “Limits of Generosity and Trust: The Naval Side of the Combined Munitions Board, 1942-1945,” War and Society (Oct 2003).

2005-2006: Captain Robert S. Burrell, USMC, “Breaking the Cycle of Iwo Jima Mythology: A Strategic Study of Operation Detachment,” Journal of Military History (Oct 2004).

2006: Award: Stephen Stein, University of Memphis, "The Greely Relief Expedition and the New Navy," International Journal of Naval History 5, no. 3 (Dec 2006).

2007: Award: Douglas Ford, University of Salford (England), "U.S. Naval Intelligence and the Imperial Japanese Fleet during the Washington Treaty Era, c. 1922—36," The Mariner's Mirror 93, no. 3 (Aug 2007): 281-306.

2008: Award: Timothy S. Wolters, Utah State University, "Electric Torpedoes in the Confederacy: Reconciling Conflicting Histories," The Journal of Military History 72, no. 3 (Jul 2008): 755-783.

2009: Award: Trent Hone, independent scholar, "U.S. Navy Surface Battle Doctrine and Victory in the Pacific," Naval War College Review 62, no. 1 (Winter 2009): 67-105.

Prize ceased after 2009.

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Rear Admiral Ernest M. Eller Graduate Research Grant in U.S. Naval History

2011-2012: Ryan M. Reft, University of California, San Diego; naval housing policy, military families, and metropolitan tensions, 1944-2000.

2012-2013: Alfred H. Wallace, Pennsylvania State University; the Mississippi Valley under Union occupation.

Honorable Mention: Andrew Fagal, Binghamton State University of New York; the transformation of the Republican defense policy in the era of the War of 1812.

2013-2014: Steven T. Wills, Ohio University; the effects of the 1980s naval grand strategy on the Reagan Administration.

2014-2015. Grant not offered.

2015-2016: Michael Verney, University of New Hampshire; the interrelationship of naval exploration and empire in the Early American Republic.

2016-2017: Karina Esposito, West Virginia University; “Naval Diplomacy and the Making of an Unwritten Alliance: United States-Brazilian Naval Relations.”

2017-2018: No award given

2018-2019: No award given

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Rear Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison Supplemental Scholarship

1993-1994: Lieutenant Mary A. Jenkins, USN, Naval Postgraduate School; History of recent Greek foreign relations.

1994-1995: Lieutenant Henry J. Hendrix II, USN, Naval Postgraduate School; Historical development of militarism in prewar Japan.

1995-1996: No award given.

1996-1997: Lieutenant (jg) Carter W. Page, USN; Modern naval interdiction operations.

1997-1998: Lieutenant Commander Diane E.H. Webber, USN, Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Washington; Contemporary national security and political-military affairs.

1998-1999: Lieutenant Thomas R. Williams II, USN, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University; International Security Affairs.

1999-2000: Lieutenant Charles S. Abbot, USNR, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; International Relations and Diplomacy.

2000-2001: Lieutenant Commander Susan D. Fink, USN, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; modern naval expeditionary warfare and humanitarian intervention operations in Haiti, Somali, Kosovo, and East Timor.

2001-2002: Commander David S. Fitzgerald, USN, Diplomacy and Military Studies Program, Hawaii Pacific University; Analysis of the U.S. and Japanese submarine forces in World War II and the reasons for the operational success or failure of these forces.

2002-2003: Major Shawn P. Callahan, USMC, Master of Arts in History, George Washington University; Employment of Navy and Marine forces in expeditionary operations and as instruments of U.S. foreign policy.

2004-2005: Commander Henry J. Hendrix II, USN, Harvard University, U.S. Navy as a foreign policy instrument, in particular in era of Theodore Roosevelt.

2005-2006: Lieutenant Christopher W. Adams, USN, Hawaii Pacific University, U.S. Navy’s historic presence in the Pacific.

2006-2007: Lieutenant Joseph P. Slaughter, University of Maryland; strategic vision of the U.S. Navy, 1794-1807.

2007-2008: Commander James C. Rentfrow, University of Maryland; the Navy's technological and organizational development, 1919-1940.

2008-2009: Lieutenant Commander Stanford E. Fisher III, USN, Norwich University, "A Revolution in Naval Affairs: The United States Navy's Transformation Prior to the Civil War."

2009-2010: Captain Peter D. Haynes, USN, Naval Postgraduate School; Research on the evolution of U.S. naval strategy since the end of the Cold War.

2010-2011: No award.

2011-2012: Lieutenant Ryan F. Guard, USN, Purdue University; research on how U.S. security assistance to key African allies was determined and used by the Ford administration to further U.S. interests.

2012-2013: Commander Thomas M. Henderschedt, USN, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies; the United States Navy to People's Liberation Army (Navy) military to military engagement program.

2013-2014: LCDR Benjamin F. Armstrong, USN, King’s College, London; case studies in tactical detail of irregular warfare by the U.S. Navy in the age of sail.

2014-2015: Cmdr. Robert E. Poling III, USN, Defence Studies Research at King’s College, London; the integration of the U.S. Navy and Army Air Forces in the Solomon Islands Campaign of WWII.

2015-2016: LCDR Daniel M. Martins, George Mason University; how naval systems for command and control, and ships' commanding officers dealt with asymmetric information during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

2016-2017: LtCol Scott M. Koltick, USMC, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University; the role of modern naval forces in protecting U.S. interests in the rapidly changing global maritime trade environment.

2017-2018: CDR Ryan E. Mewett, USN, University of Portsmouth (U.K.); tactical effectiveness of commerce raiders in naval conflicts from the eighteenth to the twentieth century.

2018-2019: Captain Christopher Hemler, USMC, Texas A&M University, U.S. Navy and Marine Corps wartime innovation and adaptation in the use of naval gunfire and close air support during the Pacific War.

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Published: Thu Dec 03 17:58:59 EST 2020