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Jackson, Arthur J.

Jackson, Arthur J.

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Captain, U.S. Army Reserve (Retired), (1924-____)

Arthur Junior Jackson was born on 18 October 1924 in Cleveland, Ohio. He later moved to Portland, Oregon with his family and, following graduation from high school, worked in Alaska for a naval construction company. Returning to Portland, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in January 1943. After recruit training at San Diego, California, he went overseas to join the First Marine Division, based at Melbourne, Australia. During subsequent service in the Pacific war zone, Jackson participated in the Cape Gloucester campaign, receiving a commendation letter for saving a wounded Marine. During his time in the region, he attained the rank of Private First Class.

On 18 September 1944, Jackson served with the Third Battalion, Seventh Marines, First Marine Division in action against the Japanese on Peleliu Island in the Palau Group. When his platoon's left flank was held up by enemy fire, he conducted a bold assault, mainly alone, that destroyed 12 enemy pillboxes and contributed vitally to the capture of the island's southern sector. For his "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity" on this occasion, PFC Jackson was awarded the Medal of Honor.

In the Spring of 1945, Jackson was a platoon sergeant during the Okinawa campaign. Commissioned a Marine Second Lieutenant in August, he served in North China during the post-war occupation. Over the next four decades he served in both the Marine Corp, as a Master Sergeant, and the U.S. Army Reserve, in which he attained the rank of Captain. Jackson's Army service included active duty during the Korean War and continued until 1984. In civilian life, he worked for the United States Postal Service. Arthur J. Jackson is retired and currently resides in Boise, Idaho.

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