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NH 105259 S.S. American Farmer

Photo #: NH 105259  S.S. American Farmer
Title: S.S. American Farmer
Description: (American Passenger-Cargo Ship, 1920) This ship was completed in 1920 as the U.S. Army transport Ourcq. In 1924 she became the American passenger and cargo ship American Farmer, and in early 1940 she was transferred to the Belgian flag and renamed Ville de Liege. The ship was torpedoed by a German submarine in April 1941 while in an convoy east of Greenland. Note that the ship's paint scheme attempts to give this very square-cut vessel the illusion of a graceful sheer line. Note also the American flag on her side, probably a neutrality marking applied in 1939. Donation of Captain Stephen S. Roberts, USNR (Retired), 2007. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Catalog #: NH 105259
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