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NH 116124 Sunspots, September 15, 1941

Sunspots, September 15, 1941
Title: Sunspots, September 15, 1941
Caption: Sunspots, September 15, 1941. Original photographs of the solar spots, September 11 to 17, 1941. Press Release: Prints and memorandum for the Chief of the Bureau of Navigation from Captain J.F. Hellweg, USN, Ret. "Unusually large and very active group shown on the sun in North latitude and about on the meridian. The sunspots, today, 18 September, present a very unusual appearance. There are about seven large spots around the edges of the area and there are a number of smaller spots scattered." Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution states that it was a real magnetic storm.
Description: U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C.
Catalog #: NH 116124
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Original Creator:
Original Date: Mon, Sep 15, 1941
After this Year: 1940
Before this Year: 1949
Original Medium: BW Photo
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