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NH 73037 Japanese Cruisers of the Seventh Squadron (Sentai)

Photo #: NH 73037  Japanese Cruisers of the Seventh Squadron (Sentai)
Title: Japanese Cruisers of the Seventh Squadron (Sentai)
Description: In Ise Bay, east-central Honshu, during the Summer of 1938. Ships are identified on the original print as (from front to back) Mogami, Mikuma and Kumano. However, at that time Sentai 7 consisted of Kumano (one funnel band, as on ship in foreground), Mikuma (2 funnel bands) and Suzuya (3 funnel bands). Accordingly, this photo may show those three ships, in the order listed. Donation of Kazutoshi Hando, 1970. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.recrop
Catalog #: NH 73037
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