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NH 84002 Pearl Harbor, Oahu

Photo #: NH 84002  Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii
Description: View looking northward, with the Navy Yard industrial area in the foreground and the Marine Barracks in the lower right, 28 July 1942. Ford Island is at left, with USS Oklahoma and USS Arizona under salvage nearby. USS San Diego is in the upper center. USS West Virginia is in Drydock Number One, in the lower left, and USS California is alongside the wharf at the extreme right. Cruisers alongside the pier in right center are Northampton (left) and Pensacola. Submarines alongside 1010 Dock, just beyond Drydock # 1, are Trout, Pollack, Dolphin and Cachalot. Note camouflage on many of the Navy Yard's buildings. Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Collection of The Honorable James V. Forrestal. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval History and Heritage Command.
Catalog #: NH 84002
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Wars & Conflicts
  • World War II 1939-1945
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  • Image (gif, jpg, tiff)
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